When Jesus came down from the mountainside, large crowds followed him. A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!”
Mathew 8:1-3
The Christian faith forms the foundation for all activities at IMCK. Much effort is given to support medical care, provide quality education, encourage good nutrition and just keep the lights on. While these activities are important and occupy the lives of IMCK employees and students, it is their faith in the Great Healer – Jesus Christ – that provides the motivation and a heart for compassionate service.
A chapel service starts every work day at IMCK. Bible readings, a short sermon, and Christian fellowship empowers employees and students and prepares them for their day of service.
Since the opening of the Tshikaji campus in 1964, an interdenominational church had held services in the Nursing School auditorium. In June 2015, the new Founders Memorial Chapel – located in front of the Guest House – was completed and joyfully dedicated. This new chapel now provides a proper place of worship for the congregation as well as the nursing students, employees and patients at the hospital. Read more about the dedication ceremony here.
People waiting to see a doctor or nurse in the outpatient clinic at Good Shepherd Hospital can watch the movie “The Life of Jesus” – a treat for someone from the village with no power or TV! The students at the schools are actively engaged in the Christian life of the local church and the community.

Listen to the student choir sing “Amazing Grace”