The IMCK management team is doing and excellent job directing all aspects of the IMCK operations during very difficult financial times and periods of conflict and pandemic. The team meets on a monthly basis to review the health of all departments and define the challenges that need to be addressed. Representatives from the management team are also on the IMCK Board of Directors which meets on an annual basis.
Dr. Luboya Mutwamba Joseph (Director), studied medicine at the Notre Dame University of Kasai, graduating in 2010. He worked as a doctor at the Presbyterian Hospital of Mutoto in Kasai Central and then he was sent to the Presbyterian Hospital of Bulape as a Medical Director. He continued his studies and obtained a Master’s degree in Nutritional Epidemiology. After his studies, he was appointed Director General of the Institut Supérior des Techniques Médicales (ISTM) and in 2024 was promoted to the position of Director of IMCK.
Kastin Katawa Ntumba (Administrator) obtained his degree in Business Management at the Université du Cepromad in Kananga and has worked as the Director of Personnel at the Bibanga Hospital and as Administrator at Mutoto Hospital. His experience in finance, personnel, and supply chain management is put to good use in his role at IMCK.
IMCK is operated under the direction of a 3-way partnership:
The Board of Directors is composed of four members from each of these three entities plus the Director of IMCK, the legal representative of IMCK and the Medical Inspector of the West Kasai Province.
The Board meets twice a year and designates an interim subcommittee which can make time-critical decisions between full Board meetings. The Board also designates standing committees – such as Finance and Personnel – to more efficiently address certain functional areas.
Congo Presbyterian Community
Rev. Jean Tshidinda Mamba
Rev. Tshipamba Mulamba
Elder Albert Mputu Kabasele
Elder Simon Ntumba Tshitenge
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Dr. Larry Sthreshley
Mr. Jeff Boyd
Christian Medical Institute of Kasai
Rev. Zacharie Mboyamba Kabala
Dr. Serge Makolo Kazadi
Congo Mennonite Community
Rev. Joly Birakara Ilowa
Elder Laurent Kamizelo Kianza
Rev Medard Shamuimba Mbombo
Dr. Gaspard Mahuma
Community Division of Health
Lupangu Muela II
Consulting Members
Kastin Katawa Ntumba
Moise Ngalamulume Ntumba
Maurice Mubiayi Buabua