Your support for the more urgent needs of IMCK is very much appreciated and will save lives and enhance the quality of health care in DR Congo. Your donation* will be deposited in the IMCK account and used according to your request. If you do not specify how you would like your donation to be used, the IMCK staff will use it to support the most pressing needs.
Here are two ways you can contribute:
Select the button on the right to make your contribution. When you get to the PayPal payment page, please add the amount of your donation and select your payment method. If you don’t have a PayPal account, you may enter your credit card information on this secure site to complete the donation.
If you wish to designate a specific area of support, please add that in the Note field of the PayPal page.
You may write a check to “Institut Medical Chretien du Kasai” or simply “IMCK”. Unless otherwise indicated on the memo line, the donation will be used by the IMCK staff to support the most pressing needs.
Please mail your check to:
Att: Bill Rule
250 Meadow Ridge Drive
Shepherdstown, WV 25443
* The Friends of IMCK is not a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization and your donations will not be tax-deductible. You will receive your reward in Heaven but not with the IRS!