The Institut Médical Chrétien du Kasai (IMCK), or Christian Medical Institute of Kasai, was founded in 1954 as a nursing school at the rural Presbyterian mission station of Lubondai in the then Belgian Congo. More than 60 years later it has come a long way. It has moved to the village of Tshikaji ten miles south of the city of Kananga, added a laboratory technician school, college-level nursing program, a 160-bed reference hospital, programs for nutrition, public health, research and medical internships, outpatient clinics (in nearby Kananga as well as in village areas), a dental program, and specialized services in surgery, ophthalmology, maternity and pediatrics. There is much more to learn about the rich history of IMCK!
The following facilities are in Tshikaji:
IMCK is a medical training institution that provides Christian witness by means of quality care and education and that builds trust relationships with other medical institutions, patients, staff, donors, and the community.
This video which provides a glimpse of life at IMCK and the dedicated employees and students who are making such a difference to the quality of life in this central region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. (Note: this video was produced in 1987 but provides a good review of the functions at IMCK).