Founded in 1954 in the village of Lubondai, the Institut Médical Chrétien du Kasai is the realization of a vision held by the founders: Dr. William and Effie Rule and Dr. John and Aurie Miller. Countless lives have been touched over these 70 years as IMCK has provided lifesaving health care and education in the Kasai regions and provided a strong Christian witness to the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Read more about the Millers and the Rules by clicking on their pictures!
The Friends of IMCK was organized to support the work of the Institut Médical Chrétien du Kasai (IMCK) located in Tshikaji, Democratic Republic of Congo. Founded in 1954, IMCK – consisting of the Good Shepherd Hospital, clinics, and nursing schools – provides vital services to the people in this region. Good Shepherd Hospital is rated as one of the top hospitals in DR Congo. Read more about the great work of IMCK.
A key component of our support efforts is the establishment of a permanent IMCK Endowment Fund whose proceeds will help stabilize the operating income for IMCK. The struggle to remain solvent in a very challenging environment is ongoing. The Christian witness IMCK provides to patients, students and staff is inspirational and critically needed for the spiritual health of the community they serve.
The table below shows the relative strength of key services in DR Congo and demonstrates the challenges facing our Congolese friends in their daily lives.